Why does it matter to know and understand the Quran correctly?

Religions have almost always deceived mankind with their dogmatic beliefs which contain countless contradicting and nonsense lies about the Creator of this Universe with absolutely no evidence.

This has sometimes led the brainwashed believers into doing crazy stuff with horrible impact on history, and nowadays it is more often driving them towards the dark pit of materialism, because in the age of free thinking, the spell of illogical faiths is breaking apart.

Knowing that the Creator actually has nothing to do with any of the religious mumbo jumbo in the world, and that in fact It asks us to use our minds and to refuse believing in anything without proof can change things for many.

The Quran which is the final, complete and protected revelation from beyond with solid supernatural signs is unfortunately represented quite incorrectly, which prevents the world from getting to learn about its true content. Give it a chance and you will start to see...